A star is born! Fancy Ducan –can, can, can! Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit -I feel a cult classic coming on. This is comedy cabaret nirvana. You’re in send up country, you know you are here to holler and hoot as Fancy brings us a southern belle-rina full of home spun wisdom soaked in naughty innuendo. Then she opens her mouth and Bette Midler comes out and Barbara Streisand and Dolly Parton. Fancy (Jennette Cronk) has a foghorn – a powerful instrument that could lure sailors from their ships, that should launch No.1 singles, cleanse cobwebs from the unimaginative, make you howl for lost loves, unrequited crushes and present regrets. She is a mega-talent. A gooseflesh inducer, a chord whisperer, a lucky packet! I was grinnin’ like a mule eatin’ briars trough a “bob” wire fence for the entire show.
The production consists of original comedic “country” songs with a few delicious covers thrown in for good measure. In between the sensational singing we get some stand up Fancy comedy that is pure nitrous oxide. She shares the stage with genius musical director, Frank Spitznagel, that provides the bedrock for Jennette to build her Fancy skyscraper. He follows her every musical whim and is the unshakeable support keeping her safely on track as she explores past the boundaries of the score to bring us performance gold. Sean Bartlett, on drums, is a powerful presence anchoring the group, setting the pace and joining in with his own brand of quirk. Jacob Horn is Fancy’s back-up singer and life line. He was feeding Fancy every ounce of his energy so she could levitate and raise the roof off The Duplex.
All four of these performers can be seen every week at The Magnet Theater where they are regular players on different Musical Mega-Watt improvising teams. Frank is the resident musical director at The Magnet and is a legend on the improv scene for his prowess in creating mind-blowing original compositions in an instant. The arrangements for this production are clever, lush and quite brilliant.
Jennette’s original songs like “Can’t Heal a Heart with More Heartbreak,” “Only Circle at The Square Dance,” and “All The Times I Didn’t Kill You” had the audience literally screaming with laughter. She is a truly gifted lyricist and songwriter. I wanted to buy the album after the show – I believe that Jennette should be a country super star. As a stand-up comedian she has double jointed funny bones, as an improviser she shifts tectonic plates but as a singer she raises the frequency of the world. This voice must get heard – everywhere. I am signing up as super fan but there is already a long queue ahead of me.
Fancy Ducan’s Country cabaret is slap yo’mama good – put a Google alert out for the next show because you won’t want to miss it. Or follow her on Facebook Friend Fancy on FB! or stalk her on her website www.jennettecronk.com
Running time: 90 minutes with no intermission.
Fancy DuCan’s Country Cabaret runs November 11 at The Duplex Cabaret Theatre, 61 Christopher Street (at the Corner of 7th Avenue) New York, NY 10014
For more information and tickets: http://purplepass.com/fancy1111