Othello at the Delacorte Theater, Shakespeare in the Park

The story of Othello has always bothered me. Simply put, Othello has to be country-bumpkin gullible to fall victim to Iago's plotting – smitten and jealous or not. Chukwudi Iwuji, in the title role in the Public Theater's Shakespeare in the Park, turned in such a performance that I could almost believe Othello is that naïve. I have seen Othello more times than I can honestly remember. This production, though, is beyond memorable, especially but not exclusively because of Iwuji's performance. Much of the play hinges on the performance of Iago, and Corey Stoll delivers the goods. He is both

Black Light at Joe’s Pub at the Public Theater

Jomama Jones is a celestial goddess,  a High Priestess from the cosmos who has come down to Earth through the channel of Daniel Alexander Jones, to inspire and teach (but never to preach) in Black Light, a godsend of a production now playing at Joe's Pub at the Public Theater, as part of the mainstage season, through March 25th. There's even a specialty cocktail to mark the occasion, featuring activated charcoal with a purple glow stick as a stirrer to offset the darkness. We could all use a bit of aura cleansing and illumination at such crossroads, and an evening with

Under the Radar Festival at the Public Theater and Japan Society

Under the Radar Festival Presented by The Public Theater Antigonon Un Contingente Epico at The Public Theater Mugen Noh Othello at Japan Society Snapshot Review: Vivid and Engaging The Public’s Under the Radar Festival is an annual theatrical feast for New Yorkers and visitors alike to see cutting-edge new works from both the U.S. and abroad, representing 229 companies from 42 countries over the past 14 years. Their international work is always particularly interesting and not likely to be seen in such an accessible way at such affordable prices. The plays featured in this review come from two islands on opposite ends of the world whose
