Oppenheimer: A Cinematic Journey Into The Depths Of Creation & Destruction

Oppenheimer, directed by Christopher Nolan, is an ambitious and thought-provoking film that delves into the life of renowned physicist Robert Oppenheimer and his pivotal role in developing the atomic bombs that would eventually bring an end to World War II. With an immersive use of music and a stellar cast, the film takes viewers on a journey that explores the complexities of scientific discovery, moral dilemmas, and the consequences of wielding such immense power. Let's not forget I saw this little diddy in 70 MM Filmstock, making for particularly special sound and visually unstoppable.   Christopher Nolan, known for his masterful storytelling

Madeline Sayet’s WHERE WE BELONG at the Public Theater

Theatre-maker Madeline Sayet straddles many identities that often contrast and sometimes conflict. She's half Mohegan (on her mother's side) and half Jewish (on her father's side). Sayet is also an actress/director and an academic who found joy and solace in escaping through Shakespeare. But she can't shake the painful scars of colonialism that haunts her people's present and flavors their future, where erasure is imminent if the next generation doesn't keep the Mohegan language and traditions alive. It's a heavy burden for a young woman searching for her place in this world and a sense of belonging. In her solo show,

The Ferryman: Broadway Opening October 22nd – The Carney Family Is Ready For A Fight!!

Photo Credit: Joan Marcus When individuals talk about key commodities in life several needs come to mind. Food, water, procreation, love, money, binge watching "The Walking Dead". All of these utensils of life will come up, but more times than not a soul will say, "the love of family". To assist in propelling something larger than one self forward is in my opinion the definition of family. Websters Dictionary defines family as, "a group of people who share common ancestors". Family is your representation when you are gone. There is no opposite of heritage. To be from nowhere? There is no such
